Introduction to Uptrends
Uptrends is a company news alert tool based on artificial intelligence technology. Users can use it to monitor investment portfolios, analyze changes in market sentiment towards the company, and build alert systems to get informed early.
Uptrends is available in free and paid ($9 per month) versions, with the paid version offering more search and alert options. Uptrends currently monitors more than 1,200 listed companies and analyzed more than 2 million news.

How to Use Uptrends
We use Uptrends to test the market alert function. Uptrends provides three functions: current trends, market alerts and watch lists. Current trends include market sentiment indicators, popular stocks that the market is watching, and popular topics in the market. These data are compiled from news from various media platforms and can reflect investor sentiment and attention.

We search for a company in the upper right corner (taking MSFT as an example) and enter the company page. Uptrends provides basic company information, stock price and market capitalization, and provides market sentiment for the company. We click Create Alert to add the company to the alert list and be notified when major news about the company in the future.

In addition to company warnings, Uptrends also provides topic monitoring functions (taking Tesla as an example). Uptrends provides the popularity of the topic, the main companies involved in the topic and the market sentiment of these companies. These monitoring functions can help users customize more detailed analysis tools to understand investors’ views on different companies in topics. Uptrends provides corresponding news under company and topic monitoring functions to help users track the source of these emotional changes.

As an AI-based company news warning tool, Uptrends makes good use of alternative data from the financial market. This type of innovation will be more widely used in the development of financial technology in the future.
Uptrends Stock Market News Alerts