Introduction to Petalica Paint
Petalica Paint is a picture coloring tool that uses AI technology. Users can upload the original picture and use Petalica Paint to quickly fill it with different colors.
Petalica Paint is currently free to use and does not require account registrations. The website provides some anime pictures as examples. Users can use these examples to understand the basic functions of Petalica Paint.
How to Use Petalica Paint
We upload an original photo and using Petalica Paint to color it. Petalica Paint provides a total of two methods. One is its colorization template. There are three templates in total, namely Tanpopo, Satsuki and Canna. We select one of them and click Colorize to get the colorful picture.

Tanpopo, Satsuki and Canna provide different color combinations for users.

Additionally, Petalica Paint offers custom painting options. If we want to dye the flowers red and the leaves green, we can select the red and green brushes on the left side of the page and paint them in the picture on the left. After getting these hints, Petalica Paint can make a new dyeing scheme for us to meet personalized settings.

As an AI colorization tool, Petalica Paint is easy to use and has excellent results.
Petalica Paint AI-Powered Automatic Colorization