Introduction to PaperLens
PaperLens is an AI paper analysis tool that allows users to analyze paper and obtain high-quality summaries.
PaperLens offers both free and paid versions, with the free version having limited usage and the paid version having more usage and providing advanced filtering features.
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How to Use PaperLens
We use PaperLens to analyze some paper and select an example question, the impact of social media on mental health. After analyzing, AI searches for 12 papers and summarized a paragraph based on their contents. These texts summarize the conclusions of 12 papers, facilitating our preliminary understanding of this issue. PaperLens also provides specific content and corresponding links for these paper, allowing us to directly view the paper of interest.

PaperLens provides a preliminary screening function, where we can set the publication date and score of the paper, and sort them based on relevance or date. These operations can help us achieve customized search.
As an AI paper analysis tool, PaperLens can provide high-quality paper summaries. SetMyAI recommends users interested in the academic field to try using this tool.
PaperLens – Your AI-powered Lens into the World of Research Papers