OAI UI是一款AI大模型综合平台,用户可以使用它与多个大模型进行交互,并可以免费使用GPT3.5。OAI UI还提供了文件上传、Prompt库、大模型设置等多个功能。
OAI UI可以免费使用,用户也可以将大模型API添加到平台,使用API连接其他大模型。目前多种大模型只能够分开使用,OAI UI提供了一个集中使用这些大模型的机会。
相关阅读:Llama 3AI大模型使用平台
如何使用OAI UI
我们使用OAI UI,首先注册账号并验证邮箱,随后我们可以免费使用GPT3.5。我们分别测试日常对话和文件分析两种功能。在日常对话中,我们询问GPT3.5人工智能的历史,GPT3.5给出的部分回答如下:
The history of artificial intelligence (AI) is a fascinating journey that spans from theoretical underpinnings to practical applications. Here’s an overview of some key milestones:
Early Concepts and Theories (1940s-1950s): The seeds of AI were sown by pioneers like Alan Turing, who proposed the concept of a “universal machine” that could perform any computation. In 1950, Turing introduced the Turing Test as a way of defining whether a machine is intelligent.
The Birth of AI (1956): The term “artificial intelligence” was first coined by John McCarthy, along with Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell, and Herbert A. Simon, at the Dartmouth Conference in 1956. This conference is generally considered the official birth of AI as a field of study.
Early Enthusiasm and AI Winters (1960s-1970s): The 1960s saw significant funding and enthusiasm for AI. Early programs like ELIZA and SHRDLU demonstrated how machines could interact in natural language and solve problems in restricted contexts. However, the limitations of these early systems led to disillusionment and the first of several “AI winters” in the 1970s, where funding and interest in AI research waned.

Here are the key points from the document on deep learning and AI interpretation techniques:
Neural Machine Translation Drawbacks: Current methods, while lowering error rates compared to traditional techniques, suffer from a lack of explain ability, potential fatal errors, and poor robustness.
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI): Significant efforts are being made to develop AI systems that provide interpretable or understandable explanations of their decisions. This involves bridging the gap between complex, non-interpretable machine feature spaces and human-understandable semantic spaces.
Post-hoc Interpretation: Techniques used after model training to explain predictions include natural language explanations, visualizations, and example-based explanations. These do not alter the underlying model mechanisms.

OAI UI对GPT3.5的限制是最多可以在3个小时内处理40条信息。我们可以调整GPT3.5的多项参数,并使用Prompt为其设定角色。如果我们在初始设置中上传了其他大模型的API,还可以使用这些大模型处理信息。
作为一款AI大模型综合平台,OAI UI为用户提供了使用各类大模型的集成工具。