Introduction to Mini Course Generator
Mini Course Generator is a tool that uses artificial intelligence technology to create courses. Users can set the title and structure of the course, and AI will supplement the contents and provide practice questions.
Mini Course Generator offers both free and paid versions. The paid version lets you create more courses and use more tools. Users of the paid version can upload larger images and videos.

How to Use Mini Course Generator
We use Mini Course Generator to create a course on artificial intelligence. We first select the language of the course (English), the group we target (university students), and the topic (artificial intelligence), and choose one of several AI-generated topics (Exploring the Basics of Artificial Intelligence). Mini Course Generator generates the outline of this course.

We choose a suitable outline and let the Mini Course Generator continue to generate the remaining content. Mini Course Generator generates information about the definition, background, types, and applications of artificial intelligence, as well as challenges faced in using artificial intelligence and the latest developments in current artificial intelligence. It also generates some practice questions at the end to help us master this knowledge. In each section, AI generates some relevant images to make the explanation more vivid.

As a tool for creating courses based on artificial intelligence technology, Mini Course Generator can help users create courses faster and at a lower cost. It is worth trying.